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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Bergum

Fall Writing Frenzy 2023

Hey there! I'm participating in the Fall Writing Frenzy. The rules for the contest are simple, pick a picture from a list and write a 200 word short story inpsired by it. Here's mine (well one, I actually wrote a second variation and struggled to pick the one I liked best)!


Adelaide hopped over puddles dott

ing the stone roads of the village, stopping only when her younger sister didn’t land beside her.

There Lily stood, feet stuck to the ground while she stared at Crown Mountain.

“Lily, you can’t stop now.” Adelaide stamped her foot.

“Tell me again about the mountain,” Lily whispered.

The elder sister groaned. “Again?” She’d told this story more times than there were stars in the sky.

“Please.” Lily squeezed her hands together. Photo by Gianluca Grisenti on Pexels

“Then more puddles?” Adelaide crossed her arms.

When Lily nodded, Adelaide dramatically cleared her throat. “Once there was a prince who longed to be the grander than anyone else. A fairy promised him he could be, all he had to do was follow her. When they reached a lonely village, the fairy stopped and said, ‘Do you still wish to be grand?’ The prince nodded. The fairy clapped and magic shot forth and the prince transformed. First growing larger, then to stone, until he became the mountain, his crown the peaks.”

Lily squealed. “Think we can find the prince’s face?”

Adelaide shrugged. “Maybe.”

“Later. Today’s for puddles!” Lily jumped several until she reached Adelaide.

The girls grinned and jumped the next one together.

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