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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Bergum

On Trying (and Failing) to Write a Rom-Com

Hello, hello! Today I’m talking about a recent failure of mine in writing. First, let’s set the stage. The ever so lovely Belinda Grant and Jessica Lewis thought up and brought to life an event called Rom-Com March (RCM). The thought behind RCM was to write something fun or silly or wholesome or whatever their hearts desired—no stakes attached as far as getting X number of words by the end of March or anything like that. Just an event where writers could bring a little joy into their lives with a story. Belinda even created some Twitter games for people to take part in and there was pretty decent participation, to boot! It was great getting to see so many people excited about something positive at a time where it seems like we rarely get that.

I’ve mostly been writing in the MG world and romance isn’t a thing in MG, so besides the challenge of writing a Rom-Com, I added in the layer of it being adult. My idea for the novel has been kicking around in my brainspace for a while and I decided dammit, this is the time! The premise is: The Lake House meets Cupid with a Freaky Friday twist. And the anime Your Name was a big influence on me too.

Rom-Com Moodboard

Oh boy was I excited come day one of March. I got some words. I was feeling pretty darn stoked. But the words quickly grew harder to get on the page. I was falling on even getting a sentence a day quickly after that. Then the imposter syndrome crushed me hard. Why weren’t the words flowing?! Why couldn’t I just get a sentence in? Questions like those and more filled me up.

After longer than it should’ve taken me (maybe I’m just a bit stubborn…), I had a realization. The format for the story wasn’t working, not for me at least. Not in the way I envision it. It’d work better as a screenplay or graphic novel. Seeing as I don’t have any real drawing skills beyond some doodles, a graphic novel isn’t really possible.

Silly little Snek!

I don’t yet know how to write a screenplay, but I’d like to learn. Someday, I hope to get this story told. I’ve just got some things to figure out first.

I started a new MG novel toward the end of March, though, that I dubbed a “Crush”-Com that I do plan to finish. Like me, the main character is deaf in one ear, I'm both nervous and excited about trying to write that experience well. I’ve some edits that need my attention first, but I’ll get back to you little MG novel, don’t worry.

My Crush-Com Moodboard!

Failure happens, but that’s ok. Often, it leads to growth, maybe not in the way you’re hoping for or expecting (and it might lead to more failures), but it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you.

Keep at it and keep being awesome. Thanks and take care!

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